This is my stop during the book blitz for The Final Haunt by Kat Mayor. The Final Haunt is the fourth and final book in the Spirit Chasers series.
The first book in this series, The Spirit Chaser, is available for free here.
This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 18 till 24 September. See the tour schedule here.
The Final Haunt (The Spirit Chasers #4)
By Kat Mayor
Genre: Horror
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 19 September 2023
Third Eye Redesigned
Casey faces a long, arduous recovery. Her near-death experience has left her with the loss of her human sight. It has also left her with abilities she never had before.
SCI Realigned
The Spirit Chasers are back, investigating the most haunted locations in America. After all, these ghosts aren’t going to cross themselves over. This season they take on the legendary Hillendahl Mansion and an abandoned psychiatric hospital, as well as homes with an evil and bloody history.
Investigation Rewind
Some places are too evil—Enchanted Hill should be left alone. Lurking in the background is a demonic entity they just can’t escape. If they brave it, they’re going to need every supernatural gift at their disposal to defeat an ancient evil that threatens to destroy them all.
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“Well, c’mon. Let’s head inside and take a look.” Stu glanced back at Blake and Rick, the camera guy, who both were standing stock still. “Let’s go.” Stu strode toward the front door. He pressed his shoulder into it, but it didn’t budge. Then he tried the knob, and it turned in his hand. “That’s weird. It’s unlocked. It must be jammed on something. You know these old houses.”
Yeah, or maybe whatever’s on the inside wants to keep us outside, Blake thought.
Stu put all his muscle into it, shoving as hard as he could. He grunted from the strain. “Funny, it’s like someone’s pushing back from the inside.”
Someone or something? Blake wondered.
“Don’t just stand there, give me a hand.”
Stubborn as Stu was, Blake knew he would be undeterred. They’d known each other since their days playing hockey at Minnesota State University, and this was the same tactic Stu had used back then. He refused to accept defeat. This was more than an investigation. It was a pissing contest. GYGFO had chased SCI’s ratings for years. Stu saw this as a personal challenge: Conquer Enchanted Hill, the location that broke Austin Cole. Blake stood next to Stu and forced his shoulder into the old wood door. It cracked, then finally gave way.
Rick followed behind. Flying dust and cobwebs swirled around, sending Blake into a coughing fit. With the setting sun, the small entryway was obscured in shadow. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw the darkness creep forward. He jumped as his heartrate picked up. Damn, now he was imagining things.
“This place is kinda weird,” Stu allowed.
The Spirit Chaser crew had clammed up about Enchanted Hill the moment their CEO and lead investigator offed himself. This only led to more questions and wild speculation as to what happened. The news outlets that had been on the scene to report the famous star’s untimely death made it seem like the place was decrepit and about to collapse. Stu remembered one reporter even suggesting the fall that caused Cole’s death could have been an accident, due to the mansion’s state of disrepair. Stu stomped on the floor and thumped the wall. It seemed pretty solid to him. Dusty but solid. The ceiling showed no signs of water damage. He distinctly remembered the reporter saying something about holes in the stair treads from rotted wood, but he could see they were intact. “Gives me goosebumps. It’ll be great for the season finale.” He took a step forward with Blake glued to his backside. Rick was so close to Blake that he could feel his breath on his neck. Blake could hear Stu snicker, clearly amused by their terror.
Stu strode to the main room. A cackling laugh reverberated around the room, and all three of their heads jerked in different directions, trying to locate where it was coming from and to whom, or what, it belonged.
Puffing out his chest and strutting forward, Stu shouted, “Who’s there?”
A single low whisper melded into several distinct voices. It reminded Blake of the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, creating both auditory and neural sensory discomfort at the same time. The whispers crawled on his skin, feather-light and nausea-inducing. Blake slammed his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to drown out the noise. It made no difference. Somehow, the voices were no longer in the room but inside his skull.
“What are you saying? Speak!” Stu demanded.
The whispers rippled and folded onto one another, a crescendo of hisses until, finally, they coalesced into a guttural, threatening question. Why did you come?
Blake’s eyes grew wide as an unseen force lifted Stu off his feet. He clawed at invisible hands on his neck as his face turned red, then purple. Blake saw something in Stu’s eyes he had never seen before—true fear.
Impossibly, a strong wind circulated through the closed room. Rick threw down his gear, running for the front door. A strange calm came over Blake. Then a chuckle bubbled up from his throat as a smile stretched across his face. “Pussy,” Blake yelled in a tone that was unrecognizable. It sounded like more than one voice shouting in multiple octaves. He was vaguely aware that neither his mind nor his body were any longer under his control. He was sharing them with something—and it was a thing—inside the house. It didn’t bother him one bit.
Start the series for free!
“Some places are too evil. Some places should be left alone.”
The Spirit Chaser is available for free here:
– Amazon
– B&N
– Kobo
– Apple
– Smashwords
About the Author:
I am a native Texan and have lived in the Houston area for most of my life. I am a wife and mom who loves to read. When I’m not kicking an idea around in my head for a story, I read and review books on Goodreads. Occasionally, I sleep. Author of The Spirit Chaser Series and Murder of a Mommyvlogger. Author of the Circles series under the name KM Montemayor.