Day: August 11, 2023

Kakistocracy Of The Technocrats by Natalie Triumphs ~ Book Tour and Giveaway

A White House Researcher for a non-existent department that oversees a demented robotic President, finds herself in the middle of string of murders, fires, earthquakes, embassy bombings, assassination attempts, bribes, wars and an Administration that can best be described as a kakistocracy. Kakistocracy of the Technocrats by Natalie Triumphs Genre: SciFi, Suspense As White House […]

Just For You by Abbie Zanders ~ Release Tour and Giveaway

No matter how much he wants her, he knows he can’t have her. Just For You A Cerasino Family Novella #5 by Abbie Zanders Genre: Sweet, Small Town Contemporary Romance Gina With my shiny new master’s degree in hand, I’m ready to break free and take the world by storm. No one understands my desire […]

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