Blog Tour ~ Abby’s Pony Love by Susan Count (Spotlight with Excerpt + Giveaway) ~ FB: @susancount / IG: @susancountauthor

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This is my post during the blog tour for Abby’s Pony Love by Susan Count. Abby’s Pony Love is a wholesome and fun Middle Grade book about horses.

This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours and runs from 10 till 23 October. You can see the tour schedule here.

Abby’s Pony Love book cover

Abby’s Pony Love (Dream Pony Riders #1)
By Susan Count
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: 19 September 2022

When a girl falls in pony-love, she wants it to be forever.

Desperate to be near horses, a hopeful girl with no horse experience begs for a job at a stable. Then she falls in love with a beautiful but mischievous pony, only to have it bought by another family. Abby’s heart aches when her barn job becomes helping the new owner learn to ride the best pony ever. Can her faithful heart let go of what never belonged to her?



Abby gasped in awe when she spotted the palomino mare, then squealed like she was nine. “She’s fairy-tale perfection. Just takes your breath away.”

Miss Elena smiled. “I agree with you. The pony of my dulces sueños when I was a niñita.” She slipped in and out of her native Spanish as she tied Rebel and went to greet the owner.

In a daze, Abby slid from Freckles’s back. “Wow,” she breathed. Her fingers outstretched, daring to touch the mare.

“Are you real? You’re so beautiful.” Her coat felt luxurious like it had been infused with magic. Hand over hand, Abby stroked the pony’s neck. The mane rippled under her fingers like delicate, baby-bird feathers. I’m totally, completely in love.

Are you an alicorn? Abby peeked under the mare’s forelock. No horn hidden there. She pressed her fingers into the crease behind her shoulder muscles. No wings either. Wings would explain the spell the pony cast over her.

Without interrupting Abby’s blissful dreaming, Miss Elena pulled the saddle and bridle from Freckles and settled it on the new pony. Then the trainer held the pony by the bridle. “Up you go.”

Still in a trance, Abby eased into the saddle. The golden mare stepped gracefully alongside Rebel and Freckles. Abby and the pony moved as if they’d always been a team. “This is amazing times ten. She is so light and responsive. She reads my mind. Just the slightest pressure on the bit, and she softens. I’m riding a magic cloud.”

“I was wondering if she might act barn sour and not want to ride away from her home, but she seems to like having a horse companion.”

“She’s not tried to turn back even once,” Abby said.

After they turned into the woods, Miss Elena extended Rebel’s walk stride. When the lead rope grew taut, Freckles grunted his objection to trotting to keep up. “Let me know if the pace is too fast for you, Abby. We need to get there, but we don’t have to race.”

Abby tightened her calf muscles, and the mare sprang into a steady posting trot. The mare floated like a dream right out of a fairy tale. “We’re good. She is so smooth, I could ride this for three days. Maybe forever.”

Way too soon the barn came into view, and her heart plummeted into her boots. Her ride was over. Whoever gets this pony is the luckiest kid in the whole wide world. Of course, the family will love the mare the minute they see her. She couldn’t hold the leaking dribble of tears. But she brushed them away so the trainer wouldn’t be sorry she’d let Abby ride the mare home. Instead, she displayed the best smile she could manage. “Who wouldn’t want her? She’s amazing.”

“She is special, and our job today is to get her a good home. Take her into the arena. I’ll check on the family. They should be a good match, so do your best to show her off.” Miss Elena disappeared into the barn.

Abby stared at her hands on the reins. “If this family doesn’t take you, I’ll find a way. Try not to be too dazzling, okay? Maybe throw a buck or two,” she whispered as she walked the golden treasure around the arena. “If you’ll be naughty today, then we can be together. It’ll be our little secret.”

Susan Count author picture

About the Author:
Susan Count writes for the joy and entertainment of young readers. She is a best-selling, award-winning author of the Dream Horse Adventures Series, Dream Pony Riders Series, and Texas Boys Adventures.

She prefers to create stories in a quiet zone. Out her window, her mind wanders through the forest and keeps her in a grateful, contented state of being. She writes at a fabulous antique desk that has secret compartments filled with memories, mysteries, and story ideas. As a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and American Christian Fiction Writers, Susan takes studying the craft of writing seriously.

Susan confesses to being overly fond of brownies and horseback riding on forest trails. She is a lifelong equestrian and is owned by a Rocky Mountain Horse.

You are invited to saddle up and ride along.

Author links:

Tour Schedule

10 October

– Lady Hawkeye & Instagram @kellyatx – Excerpt

11 October

– BookZone Reviews & Instagram @bookzonereviews – Review and Excerpt

– Character Madness and Musing – Excerpt

12 October

– Instagram @snowphiethebookworm – Review

13 October

– Jazzy Book Reviews & Instagram @jazzybookreviews – Excerpt

15 October

– Lisa’s Reading & Instagram @lisasreading2020 – Excerpt

17 October

– Books Blog & Instagram @sylvdotnet – Excerpt

18 October

– Bookworm for Kids – Promo Only

20 October

– Cover Lover Book Review & Instagram @hartfiction – Review

22 October

– A Room Without Books is Empty & Instagram @detweilermom – Review

23 October

– All the Ups and Downs – Excerpt

– Why Not? Because I Said So! & Instagram ssdawn2002/ – Review

Review after tour
– Bookworm for Kids – Review

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Abby’s Pony Love. One winner wins a $25 Amazon gift card.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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