BOOK TOUR & GIVEAWAY ~ The Spider Green Mystery Thrillers by Norm Harris

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series Book 1

by Norm Harris

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Action



Faydra “Spider” Green is a dedicated Navy JAG lawyer who has lived her life in the shadows of a great and powerful man: her father, former President of the United States William Green. Green cannot heal the wound in his relationship with his daughter. His former power and influence curse Faydra and cause her to wonder if her accomplishments were her own doing.


A lawyer by trade, Faydra is both anxious and excited as she undertakes her first homicide investigation: —the brutal murder of a Navy SEAL. She reasons that a successful investigation will provide her the opportunity to validate her sense of self-worth. Thanks to her remarkable deductive abilities, Faydra soon realizes that the accused man, a Special Ops Marine war hero, may be innocent and that the Navy is using her as a pawn in a complex cover-up.


Meanwhile, a seasoned Navy Sea Captain, Egan Fletcher, whose wife had died eight years earlier, struggles to balance his Navy career with raising a son. When the Navy purposefully pairs him with Faydra in a meeting, the two Navy officers embark on an adrenaline-pumping adventure. It is a top-secret mission- impossible that will take them halfway around the world in an attempt to avert a catastrophic act of terrorism in the form of a biological war.


Set against the dramatic backdrop of Washington State’s Puget Sound and the mystique of East Asia, Faydra’s story revolves around a woman who appears to be as pure as the driven snow—yet, she is driven by an insatiable need to complete any assignment, no matter how dangerous. Along the way, she transforms into a symbol of hope, perseverance, and a woman’s ability to overcome life-threatening events.


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Fay inhaled a massive gulp of air on her arrival at the surface. She searched for the silhouette of either the boat or the Nalon Vet. In the darkness, she could see neither. And where was Andrew? She glanced at her dive watch. “No!” she yelled. Ten minutes late. Good God, of all times to be late!


The Vet was gone, and she was alone—abandoned—somewhere in the Yellow Sea. Her neoprene suit’s buoyancy caused her to float on her back, her feet parallel with her head. There was a calm sea, a full moon, and she felt wholly immersed in a womb of silence. She sensed warmth. What now? The current might carry me to shore. I wonder if I will be dead by the time I wash ashore in the Marquesas Islands? She talked to herself out loud: “Then again, if I were to wash ashore on a North Korean beach, it would make it easier for the Koreans to find me.”


She floated for a while, then felt a bump. Someone who had experienced a shark attack once had told her before a shark attacks its prey, it first bumps its intended victim with its snout. This person was by no means an expert on the subject.


Fay held her breath and waited. Where is it? The silence was broken by what sounded like thousands of large raindrops striking the surface of the water. Fay knew the sound: a school of small fish was jumping nearby. They do it when a larger fish is chasing them. They leap out of the water to escape the predator who is hunting them. I wish I could jump from the water right now.


Her floating arms spread wide, Fay resembled an ancient religious martyr tied to a cross, looking up at the moon—thinking.


Arid Sea

Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series Book 2



Faydra “Spider” Green is a spirited Navy lawyer who wants nothing more than to do the right thing and see justice done. After reconciling with her father, former President William Green, Fay is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Alvin Joe, a retired admiral. He has vanished – seemingly into thin air – from his Florida home, along with secret files for a top-secret military weapon. Alongside her bubbly, quick-witted sister and a handsome, affable Sheriff, Fay sets out to track down Joe. But she soon finds herself embroiled in a deeper and far more sinister plot involving an unscrupulous corporation, the mafia, and a truly evil man who has his sights set on destroying her.


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Following a brief recovery period, her prodding hand was back into the rocks groping for dinner. When she located the snake, she withdrew the viper by its tail. Holding the snake by the tail far ahead of her. The reptile stretched from her waist to the ground. And oh, was the snake fat!


She returned to the spot where she had left her whiskey and her cigar. After relighting the cigar and placing it in her mouth, she slipped the derringer into her back pocket and stooped to pick up the whiskey.


“You gonna eat that?” a male voice said from behind her.


Startled, she screamed and froze. After catching her breath and calming her shattered nerves, she replied, “Yeah. shoppin’ for dinner.” She held the snake in her right hand, the bottle in her left.


Her situation was tenuous at best. The man had gotten the drop on her. Did he have his weapon trained on the back of her head? Her back was to him; her gun was clearly in his view in her back pocket.


The snake she held in her right hand was beginning to recover. She did not want to give up the snake, but she would get bit if she did not either kill it or let it go.


“You should drop the snake,” the voice suggested.


She complied by slowly and gently tossing the snake off to her right. “Who are you?” she asked, with the cigar still clenched between her teeth.


“It would make me feel better if you put your gun down first.”


She followed his instructions by raising her left hand to shoulder height, drawing the derringer from her back pocket, and lowering the gun to the ground. She stood. “Do you mind if I turn around?”


Deception Pass

Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series Book 3



Faydra “Spider” Green has had a storied career as a Navy lawyer, all while juggling being the daughter of a former U.S. President. She has successfully navigated complex diplomatic situations, pulse-pounding legal investigations, and dangerous military missions, managing each time to save the day. But now, Fay finds herself faced with a task unlike anything she has ever tackled before: fierce mafioso Roman Justine, the man who had nearly cost Fay her life, has seemingly returned from the dead. Now, Justine, hellbent on revenge, poses a threat to Fay and national security. Fay will have to go to extraordinary lengths to stop him, even tampering with the bounds of time and space.


Katrinka Lavrova is a young Russian espionage agent discovered by Russian Navy Captain Lavrov at the age of nineteen. Katrinka worked as both a spy and a sparrow since age thirteen to support her aged parents. Lavrov rescues the woman and becomes her guardian. Captain Lavrov introduces Katrinka to Fay. Fay asks Katrinka to help her steal the top-secret plans from Roman Justine’s office safe. Fay grows fond of Kat and offers her a fresh start in the United States. Katrinka dares to hope for a better life by accepting Fay’s offer.


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Fay sensed the presence of Death around her. In the curtains, in the book placed on the nightstand next to the bed. Even in the sunlight streaming through the window across the bed. Death lurked everywhere.


Although she had experienced Death before, including three of her own near-death experiences, Navy Judge Advocate Commander Faydra Green had not gotten used to his genius. Then again, Death was not a person. Although he was, without a doubt, a man. His costume was complete with a giant sling blade and a black hooded cape shrouding his white, pasty face.


Those closest to her seemed to die. Her mother had died twenty-eight years before in an automobile accident. An accident had left her half-sister, JP Fletcher, injured and near death. Her father, former United States President William Green, had died a little over two years ago. And she had killed a man. Oh yes, Fay knew Death quite well.

The Girl Who Knew Death

Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series Book 4



Navy lawyer and former First Daughter Faydra (Fay) Green is no longer quite so haunted by the dark events of her recent past and is hoping for some well-deserved rest. But her world is once again turned upside down when a shocking secret about her adopted daughter, Katrinka (Kat), is revealed. But before Fay can help Kat make any decisions about her future, Kat is captured and thrown into an Egyptian prison.


She manages to escape but must flee to safety across Europe, trying to stay one step ahead of several mysterious pursuers. Soon, Fay and Kat discover they are being chased by more than ordinary forces – Azrael, the Angel of Death, has taken a puzzling interest in their situation and a dangerous demon appears to be stalking Kat’s every move. It will take all of Fay’s strength and ingenuity to meet these, and other, challenges looming ahead of her, while Kat must ask herself what she truly wants out of life.


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Kat unlatched the security chain and opened the door. At least the woman was smiling, the sign of a good beginning. “Azrael.” Kat welcomed the visitor without surprise evident in her voice. “Come in.”


Azrael proceed through the door as Kat closed it behind her.


Azrael surveyed the room. “Nice place. Fit for a queen,” she said.


“Yeah. Right,” Kat replied. “You want beer?”




Kat retrieved a bottle from the refrigerator, opened the top with her pocketknife, then handed it to Azrael. “Have seat,” she offered. “We talk.”


Azrael sipped the beer. She smiled and looked at the bottle. “Beer over the centuries has greatly improved. The piss they served five hundred years ago was pathetic. Carbonation is the secret,” Azrael said. She took a second sip.


Katrinka replied, “I would imagine many things have improved over the millennia.”


“True,” Azrael agreed. “Except for humans. All was going well until Gen Y came along. No offence.”


“None taken.” Katrinka pressed, “What of the deal you suggested?”


“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Azrael said. “I almost forgot. There was a reason I came to see you.”


With some doubt evident on her face, Katrinka reminded the forgetful Angel of Death, “The soul for a soul. Me for Faya.”


Azrael’s face brightened. “The deal. Well, I have been thinking about it.”


Katrinka became worried. Was Azrael going back on the offer? “Me for Faya. That was the offer,” she stated firmly.


Azrael smiled. She took another sip of beer. “Great drink,” she said. “I have another offer for you. You probably won’t like it but hear me out.”


Katrinka continued speaking to Lady Death in the Russian language. “You speak my language well.”


“I’m not one to brag. Well, yes, I am one to brag,” Azrael replied. “I’m fluent in over ten million languages,” she boasted, “give or take.”


Katrinka began to grow impatient. “The deal?” she prompted.


Azrael looked at Katrinka. “You wouldn’t happen to have a cigar, would you?” she asked.


Katrinka’s eyes lit up. “No, but I do have a cigarette.”




Norm Harris’ first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002 and a Writer’s Digest award winner. It was a one-and-done, but now he’s back with a plan to publish the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series from the first mystery/thriller of days gone by. Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that’s what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish. Norm’s stories spring from his memories of people who he has met and places and the places he has visited as he traveled the world. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are foremost in each story. “Fay is an admirable, tough, brilliant protagonist.” said one reviewer. Said another, “Lt Commander Faydra Green from the JAG Corps is a “take no prisoners” protagonist…” Watch for his four upcoming first quarter 2022 novels, “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree”, “Arid Sea”, “Deception Pass”, and “The Girl Who Knew Death” in what he hopes to be an award-winning mystery thriller series. And in late 2022 his fifth book in the series “Rain and Wind and Fire”. Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed the stories please consider leaving a review!


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